Easy Flo- Resin
Easy Flo- Resin
Super low viscosity casting resin. Low viscosity equates to easy mixing, excellent detail penetration, and the most bubble-free castings without employing vacuum degassing and pressure casting techniques.
Easy Flo 60, is an outstanding 1:1 (by volume), white, polyurethane plastic with the lowest mixed viscosity available. Demold time: 15-30 minutes, Mixed viscosity: 60cP, Color: White, Shore Hardness: D65.
Easy Flo 90, 5 minute working time, 20-60 minute demold time; off white. Demold time: 60-120 minutes, Mixed viscosity: 200cP, Color: Off-White, Shore Hardness: D70.
Easy Flo 120, Similar to EasyFlo 60, but designed for rotocasting, slush casting or lay-up applications where lightweight, hollow castings are needed. Demold time: 15-30 minutes, Mixed viscosity: 120cP, Color: Off-White, Shore Hardness: D65.
Easy Flo Clear, Great for casting with metals and other colors. Has a slight amber tint. Demold time: 15-30 minutes, Mixed viscosity: 110cP, Color: Amber, Shore Hardness: D72.